Solve the puzzle
What if the lxc command says it can't be found after LXD is installed?
! lxc -h >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'alias lxc="/snap/bin/lxc"' >> /root/.bashrc && source /root/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin
After executing this command try
lxc -h
to see if the lxc command is fixed.
What to do if you open centos7 and find that CGroupV1 is not supported?
Enable CGroup V1: To enable CGroup V1 on an Ubuntu system, you need to edit the kernel boot parameters.
Please note that before changing kernel boot parameters, make sure to backup important data and settings to prevent unexpected problems.
Edit the ```/etc/default/grubfile and add
systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0to the end of the parameters in
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"
Save the file and run the following command to update the GRUB boot.
sudo update-grub
Reboot the system for the changes to take effect
If the above changes still do not support the opening of centos7, try using a different host system.
Currently verified VPS vendors that can open containers with separate IPV6 addresses.
kuroit Phoenix, USA regular
datalix German AMD Promotions